There are products counterfeiting our original cooler bags designs, our brand and official photos, especially on the Internet.

We defend our intellectual property rights by taking legal action against counterfeiters worldwide.

Beyond protecting our brand image, our creations and the quality of our products, the respect of our intellectual property rights is important to protect consumers against counterfeit articles of poor quality.

Ice.bag® products are made from qualitative materials, design and quality work. 

Our historic manufacturing site is ISO9001 certified. We control the entire manufacturing process and certify production quality.

GIMEX INTERNATIONAL and its product Ice.bag® intellectual property rights for the creation  are recognized and protected.

Trademark and registered models EU N°616 057.

US Reg design No. D/268 208 - US pat pend No. 11/881755.

We guarantee the authenticity of all products purchased on

Do not hesitate to contact us for more information: